Bison Cooking Tips

General Guidelines for Bison
Cook bison meat at a low temperature. Do not cook past a medium heat. Bison is a lean meat and cooking at higher temperatures will dry the meat out.
Bison Steaks (Grill, Broil, or Pan-Broil)
  • Use steak ¾ to 1 inch thick
  • Place in lightly oiled skillet and use medium heat on a stove top
  • Place meat on BBQ or 6 inches from the heat source in broiler
  • Cook 4 – 5 minutes per side
  • To increase tenderness, marinate sirloin tip and inside round steaks for 8 - 24 hours
Bison Roasts (Sirloin Tip, Inside Round)
  • Sear roast in an oven at 500°F (260°C) or on a stove in a hot pan
  • Season roast, add ¼ cup (50 mL) of liquid (water or red wine)
  • Roast at 325°F (165°C) in covered pan or place in slow cooker
  • Cook roast to medium rare 145°F (63°C)

Bison Roasts (Rib, Loin and Tenderloin)

  • Use uncovered pan with rack
    Season as desired to taste
  • Cook at 275°F (135°C)
  • Do not cook past medium 155°F (68°C) 

Bison Burgers

  • Cook ground meats to 160°F (70°C) internal temperature
  • Make sure all burgers sit flat on the grill for entire cooking time
  • Cooking equipment should maintain a temperature of 375°F (190°C)
  • Ground bison should always be cooked until no pink remains

Beef Cooking Tips

Cooking Tips for Beef

The key to knowing how to cook beef is knowing the cut of beef you’re working with. Each cut has its own particularities and needs. For example, steaks are low in collagen and elastin, so you can cook them quickly. At a high heat to get tender, juicy results. Flank steak is much tougher. It’s better to braise it. The low, wet heat will break down all that tough collagen, and keep the meat moist.

The two cooking types for Beef

There are lots of different ways of cooking beef. However, there are two main types of cooking: dry heat and wet heat.

Dry Heat Methods

When you cook using dry heat, a few different things happen. First of all, the surface of your beef forms a delicious, flavorful crust.

The second thing that happens is that the beef loses its moisture. It evaporates from the surface first, and then the moisture from the inside moves outward. This gives the meat a more concentrated flavor.

Unfortunately, losing too much moisture can make your beef pretty dry. Be careful not to overcook it.

Wet Heat Methods

When you cook with a wet heat, your beef loses less moisture. It still loses some, but even then the cooking juices make up for it. This lets you cook your beef longer, which can help out a tougher cut.

Grilling is perfect for steaks. Roasting is great for round roasts. Stewing is a good way to cook a tough piece of shank.

How To Cook Beef By Method

Wet Heat Methods

Braising beef is a great way to cook some of the tougher cuts and end up with a tender, delicious meal.

Dry Heat Methods

Barbecuing (BBQ)

Barbecuing is cooking foods low and slow. Barbecuing is usually used for specific cuts of meat. Like ribs, pork shoulder, beef brisket, or whole chickens or turkeys.

These types of meats tend to be tougher. They need the low, slow heat of a barbecue (or a slow-cooker) to get them good and tender.

Barbecued food is over very low heat (usually 225 degrees Fahrenheit or lower). For a very long time (hours, or even all day long).

Barbecuing is often done with indirect heat. The heat source, connected to the chamber where the meat is. The meat is not over the flames like on a grill. Charcoal or wood are used as the heat source for barbecue.

Different types of wood give off different smoky flavors that the meat can absorb. The best barbecue chefs pride themselves on very long cooking times. This is to get the tenderest, most flavorful meat.


Grilling is cooking foods hot and fast (usually 500-550 degrees Fahrenheit, or higher). It is usually done over direct heat. Meats like steaks, pork chops, seafood, hamburgers, and hot dogs are great for grilling. Grilling is over direct heat, where the flame (either gas or charcoal) is below the meat.


If you’re wondering how to cook beef for special occasions, try cooking roast beef. Start with a large tender cut, and end up with slices of pure deliciousness!


A great alternative to grilling on cold days or if you don’t have a grill

Blue or Bleu

All but the outside of the steak will look raw. If you use a meat thermometer, the steak’s internal temperature will be less than 29C
The touch test for blue steak is the same as for raw meat described above. Sear the steak for one minute either side in a hot pan and for a few seconds on each of the outer edges using tongs.


To achieve this, sear the steak on both sides for 2½ minutes. Using tongs, sear the narrow outer edges for 10 seconds each. The inner two-thirds of the steak will remain blood-red. (Internal temp: 30-51C).
Gently press the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb. The flesh beneath your thumb will give quite a bit when prodded. This is what a rare steak feels like.

Medium Rare

Sear the steak on both sides for 3½ minutes. When cut, the steak will range from brown on the outside to pink and moist with a narrow, blood-red centre. (Internal temp: 57-63C).
Lightly press the tip of your middle finger to the tip of your thumb. Notice how the flesh beneath your thumb feels a little firmer. This is what a medium rare steak feels like.


Sear the steak for 4 minutes on each side. Only the inner 25 percent of the steak will remain pink and moist. (Internal temp: 63-68C)
For Medium Well-done, cook for 5 minutes on each side. (Internal temp: 72˚-77C)
Bring together the tip of your ring finger and thumb and the flesh beneath your thumb starts to feel firm. This is what a medium steak feels like.

Medium Well

For Medium Well-done, cook for 5 minutes on each side. (Internal temp: 72˚-77C)
Bring together the tip of your ring finger and thumb and the flesh beneath your thumb starts to feel firm. This is what a medium steak feels like.


Sear the meat for 6 minutes on each side. It will appear dark on the outside. But cooked evenly to a light grey-brown colour throughout and have a dry texture. (Internal temp: 77C +)
Placing your little finger and thumb together, the flesh beneath your thumb will become firm. This corresponds to the feel of a well-done steak

Chicken Cooking Tips

General Chicken Cooking Guidelines 

Proper cooking times are not only about safety. In fact, most Canadians overcook their chicken, which can leave it dry. From chicken breast to a whole roast chicken. Measure the internal temperature of chicken using an instant-read food thermometer. Insert the thermometer in different spots. Making sure to pay special attention to the chicken breasts and thighs. The thickest parts of the meat.

Here are tips to give your chicken dishes a head start on being the most delicious chicken recipes ever.

Start with quality meat: Cooking from raw is the best way to ensure you’re getting the highest quality meat. Choose fresh, Saskatchewan chicken to be sure your chicken is grain-fed. As well, free of added hormones and steroids. Clean your cooking area. Remember to clean your work area. By sanitizing countertops, cutting boards and utensils. Always wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after handling food. Separate your ingredients: It’s important to reduce cross-contamination by keeping foods separate. Use one cutting board for produce and one for meat. If cooking more than one protein at a time. Keep them separate and wash your cutting board between preparing the two types of meat. Get the right gadgets: A meat thermometer is essential to know when your chicken is cooked. Also, a good knife is important. To reduce the chances of the knife slipping when cutting ingredients. Have resealable freezer bags on hand to part chicken cuts for future use. Especially if you buy chicken in bulk. Marinate or brine your chicken. For juicy chicken, marinate or brine the chicken before cooking. Marinades and brine solutions are easy to make at home. Know your chicken cooking times. By knowing the recommended cooking times. You can make sure your chicken meal will be ready in time for deliciousness.

Pork Cooking Tips

Cooking Tips for Pork

Cooking Pork is full of flavour, tender and very versatile. It has a natural affinity for a wide variety of accompanying flavours. From assertive BBQ ribs to subtle herbal accents. As well as the traditional pairing with fruits of all sorts.
The sweet mildness of pork lends to a huge range of recipes and all cooking styles. Your options are as varied as your imagination allows. Improved production methods have resulted in leaner pork. Which means you no longer have to cook to well-done.
For example, cook loin cuts can to an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C). Your choice of cooking method depends on the pork cut. As well as personal preference and time available.

Dry Heat Cooking Methods

  • Roasting is suitable for larger cuts. Cook the pork uncovered on a rack in a roasting pan. For best results, cook in a preheated oven at a temperature of 325°F (160°C). Cooking the tenderloin at 375°F (190°C). To check doneness, insert a food thermometer into the center or thickest part of the roast away from fat or bone.

    Remember to allow for a 5°F (3°C) rise in temperature after removal from the oven.

    Cook shoulder roasts to an internal temperature of 175°F (80°C), leg and loin roasts to 160°F (71°C). Cover with foil and let stand 10–15 minutes before carving.

    Cook all ground meat, including sausages to 160°F (71°C).

  • Broiling is suitable for smaller cuts. Place pork on a rack in a broiler pan or shallow baking pan 3” to 5” (7.5 cm to 12.5 cm) from heat. Broil until pork is brown on one side, turn and broil the other side until done. Season each side after browning.
  • Pan Frying requires adding oil to a skillet and cooking at high heat until the surface is golden brown. Reduce heat to medium and cook until meat is warm. Use a non-stick skillet to reduce or cut added oil.
  • Stir-Frying is a form of pan frying. Cook the pork in a wok or skillet over very high heat with very little oil. Toss ingredients with a spatula.
  • Grilling is an excellent, low-fat cooking method. Whether grilling steaks, chops, ribs or roasts, pork will always be moist as long as it is not overcooked. Pre-heat barbecue to high and then reduce to medium. Use tongs, not a fork, to turn meat to avoid losing precious juices. When brushing on a sauce, do so in the final 10-15 minutes. This is to reduce flare-ups. As well to prevent sauces containing sugar from caramelizing and burning.

Moist Heat Cooking Methods

  • Braising is most often for shoulder and leg cuts. Use a small amount of liquid. Simmer, covered, over low heat or in a 325°F (160°C) oven. Adding extra liquid during cooking nay be necessary. Pork meat is ready when tender and can be pierced with a fork.
  • Stewing is used for smaller pieces of pork. First, sear the meat on very high heat. Then cover with liquid and simmer over low heat on the stove top, or in an oven at 325°F (160°C) until the meat is tender.